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Event Details

Friday, September 8
5:00 PM | $15
Museum of Photographic Arts
Museum of Photographic Arts
1649 El Prado, San Diego, CA 92101

Lie With Me (Arrête Avec Tes Mensonges)

2022, 98 minutes, Dir: Olivier Peyon, France

Upon agreeing to be the brand ambassador for a famous cognac celebrating their bicentennial, novelist Stéphane Belcourt (Guillaume de Tonquédec) returns to his hometown for the first time in many years. Once there, he meets his first love’s son, Lucas (Victor Belmondo). Memories rush back to him of his former lover: irrepressible attraction, bodies becoming one in the heat of desire, a passion that can never be revealed.


Museum of Photographic Arts
Museum of Photographic Arts
1649 El Prado, San Diego, CA 92101

Co-presented by